My grandfather bought
me a subscription to Popular science for my birthday every year for six years
(12-18 years old) so AIG has stepped into deep do-do trying to tell me what you
find in the pages of that august publication. Lacey proclaims::
"Popular Science’s September 2014 issue has jumped into an arena that it is unprepared for...."
PS has indeed featured
not only newest inventions, but also many articles on possible future
technology which they would showcase on the cover as attention grabbers. But they also featured, as their masthead
states, articles by prominent scientists on "Gadgets, Cars,
Science, Technology and DIY." Indeed, after 140 years of continuous publication, SI is far more prepared to publish articles on valid science than any writer at AIG.
Then this:
"..., and this particular issue should be renamed Popular Spin magazine. Popular Science has long been known for featuring the newest inventions and the latest electronic gadgets, and for looking at potential breakthroughs in technology."
Ahhhh,,,,,no. That is bullshit. PS has been publishing articles on evolution
since 1884, and also publishing articles on pseudo science since it's first
publication 140 years ago.
And finally Lacey bloviates:
"But, in recent years, they have been diving into more and more religious topics by pushing the religion of secular humanism."
Only in recent years,
eh? .
April 1876:
"only an
evolution of the individual from the moment when it became more heterogeneous
by the differentiation of parts and functions, but also an evolution of the
ensemble of living beings, from the first appearance of life in its least
October 1877,
"The important
truth that it has been sought to reach by these considerations is, that organic
evolution is but one of the minor manifestations of universal evolution. It
occurs at a stage of the process when the struggle between the contending...."
March 1904,
barriers in the work of subdividing species, this would mean that evolution
sometimes results in segregation, not that segregation results in evolution.
Evolution is a process of change in species; it is the journey of which
December 1897,
"the general
public, and also of the majority of medical men, who, " while observing
the effects of disease on man the individual, have signally failed to observe
its effects on man the species." While he accepts evolution in its widest
and most .."
reader will perceive that we regard the law of evolution as thoroughly
established ..."
September 1889,
"THIS periodical
has been established as a medium for the publication of essays and lectures
presenting the modern scientific or evolutionary aspect of various subjects.
Each number contains one essay."
Ham's Idea of
materialism inspiring evolution was debunked in this article......FROM 1878!
May 1878,
"I think I can show you
that materialism is not the necessary outcome of scientific studies and the
scientific spirit. For this purpose, I will select that scientific theory which
is supposed to be par excellence materialistic, viz.: the theory of evolution"
Even worse for Ham are countless articles since the late 1800s
debunking the flood myth:
May 1894, page
"...naming "every
living creature" ; or to reconcile the dimensions of Noah's ark with the
space required for preserving all of them, and the food of all sorts necessary
for their sustenance, whether they were admitted by twos, as stated in one .."
November 1909,
"A Noah's ark was built
at Toulouse, but the year was distinguished for its drought. Ridicule is
sometimes more efficacious than argument in overthrowing false
The list goes on and
on, along with many articles critical of the Bible itself:
From Scientific
American, July 1893:
May 1875, page 91
"........speak the
language of science; and the other attempts to falsify science to meet
the supposed requirements of the Bible." Yeah, Ham has been
doing this for decades. Ham is just
another crackpot in a very long line of religious crack pots.
It only takes a simple search of he Scientific American archives to see that the claim that they have only recently started criticizing anti science religionists is bogus and most often they are on solid scientific ground.
It is not the mission of SI to regularly criticize religious superstitions, but rather to publish articles on the hot topics of the day, which they do here and have been doing for 140 years.
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